When you are planning to top up the account balance of your Pay as you Go provider, you can do this by purchasing calling credit at a supermarket or kiosk. Once you have done this, you will receive a top up voucher containing a top up voucher code. The code allows you to actually top up the calling credit of your PAYG provider, using the instructions as given by your provider.
Everything printed can be easily lost. This might be one of the biggest disadvantages of your printed top up voucher. Anything can happen to such a small top up voucher. You might throw it in the bin mistaking it for a receipt, or the ink runs out because of the rain or the fact you left the voucher in your pocket when washing your clothes.
Nowadays, almost anything can be bought online. Of course this includes top up vouchers. No more trips to your local supermarket or kiosk. Just turn on your tablet, computer or get your phone out of your pocket. On Mobiletopup you can buy your top up voucher online using five simple steps. These are shown below.
1. Select your provider and the preferred voucher amount;
2. Enter your email address and select a payment method;
3. Check your order, checkout and proceed to payment;
4. After a successful payment, the code is instantly delivered;
5. You can now top up your credit by using the provided instructions.